This year I decided that the kids were staying at home with me, no Summer school. The thing is I still have Aimee, so to take them I would have to wake her up and sometimes also wake her up in the afternoon from her nap. So, I started looking at ideas of how to pass the time, at the same time making it exciting.
I saw the boredom jar and I was very intrigued. So I read how to make it and yesterday I did it.
I cut small pieces of cardboard and made a list of things I want them to do. Of course I had to invent my own, what my kids love. Coz I didn't like the things the others wrote. But I had an idea of what I wanted to write.
First of all I counted the number of days, which are 50 (excluding weekends and public holidays).
Secondly I chose 10 activities from the following 5 topics:
1. Baking - orange
2. Art - green
3. Being creative - purple
4. Playing - white
5. Educational - pink
Now we are going to choose a different colour everyday. I couldn't have had 5 outings per week, or 5 cooking activities per week. So this colour coding will solve that problem.
These are the activities I chose:
1. Baking
bake a cake
make jelly
make ice-cream
do an apple crumble
do a cheesecake
do a trifle
make a pizza
cook biscuits
cook cupcakes
bake a cake
2. Art
paint a flamingo
paint a dog
paint Chloe
paint a sunflower
paint an owl
paint a flamingo
paint a dog
paint Chloe
paint a sunflower
paint an owl
3. Being creative/going places
do a blocks construction
do an experiment
make fingerprint animals
make some birthday cards
make origami
do a craft
go to a museum
go to a museum
go to the library
make an obstacle course
4. Playing
organise Aimee`s clothes - play shop
play supermarket
play a board game
play monopoly
play the piano(song of your choice)
wash the terrace - play mummy
play restaurant
wash the washroom - play mummy
play with Playmobil
rehearse a monologue - play actress
5. Educational
learn Italian
learn Italian
learn Italian
write about your family 250 words
research about The Rivers
learn about bones in the human body
read a book of your choice
research about the Roman Domus
research about how the eye works
research about the digestive system
We put them in a jar. Now I know I don't have to think of something to do everyday and I won't feel guilty when we are at home in the morning and I am doing my thing!
We are doing the first one today. Wish us luck......